Ath-Oscailt Gaelscoil Bharra - Reopening Gaelscoil Bharra 2020
Plean Covid 19- Covid Plan – ‘Ag obair le chéile’
Réamhrá/Introduction -
- Tá áthas mór orainn go bhfuil na páistí ag teacht ar ais ar scoil agus déanfaimíd ár ndícheall gach rud a choinneáil mar is ghnáth. Caithfimid bheith foighneach lena chéile agus an spiorad céanna a léiriú , a bhí le feiceail sa cheantar níos luath sa bhliain.
We are delighted that the children are returning to school next Wednesday August 26th and we will all work to keep things going. Everyone needs to be patient with each other and understand the pressures we are all under. We need to show the solidarity of spirit, so evident in Cabra during the lockdown among parents, children and teachers.
- Taimíd cleachtaithe le clós roinnte & rl, tá seomra breá mór nua againn agus foireann mór agus fuinneamhach. Agus tá na tuismitheoirí agus páistí is fearr in Éirinn againn.
Beidh orainn an plean seo a athru ó ám go hám agus beidh an Bord Bainistíochta agus an foireann ag obair ar seo.
This is a working document and is not set in stone, due to evolving circumstances. The School Board of management and staff will keep this in mind at all times.
We have had staggered lunch times etc in the school for over twenty years, we have a new modern well ventilated building, with plenty space in the classrooms and a large and energetic staff, with plenty experience. And we also have the best school community and children in Ireland.
- Lean an suíomh nua scoile , beidh gach rud ansin.
Tá seo ceangailte leis an leathnach Facebook scoile.
Make sure to follow the new school website for all updates.
This is also linked to the school Facebook page .
- Tá na polasaí agus na seicliostaí uilig eagraithe ag an scoil agus tá go leor fearais ceannaithe againn, le cuidiú ón Stát.
The school has all policies and relevant checklists in place, contact tracing etc and all documents are available either on the school website or on request.
S’é Muinteoir Seán an Príomhoide, Marianne an Príomh oivrí Covid agus Alison an leas Oibri Covid.
Múinteoir Seán is the School Principal, Muinteoir Marianne is the lead Covid Worker and Alison the Deputy Covid Worker.
- Beidh na páistí ag filleadh ar scoil mar is gnáth, ón Luan gi dtí an Aoine.Beidh roinnt athrú ó thaobh pods & rl, ámanna difriúil, gearradh siar ar chursaí breise ach ag coinneáil rudai chomh dearfach agus is féidir.
Beidh na páistí ag obair laistigh de bholgáin ranga agus lastigh den rang , I meithil de seisear nó seachtar. Beidh ámánna difriúl fa choinne tús an lae, lón & rl.
In keeping with public health advice and guidelines issued by the Department of Education and Skills, all children will return to school for all five days of the school week and for a full school day. They will work in class bubbles, and within the class, in pods of six or seven. There will be staggered start times, luchtimes etc and each class teacher will have a support teacher
- Déanfaimíd ar seacht ndícheall sláinte an pobal scoile a laghdu ach táimíd ag brath ar chomhoibriú agus toil páistí, tuismitheoirí agus muinteoirí. It is not possible to eliminate the risk of infection. However, with the co-operation of all members of our school community, it is possible to minimise the risk of the virus being introduced to school and the consequent risk of its spread.
Bolgáin agus Meithil Oibre – Bubbles agus Pods
- Beidh na ranganna ag feidhmniú mar bholgáin agus meithil oibre. All children return to school and classes operate within a bubble and pod system.
- Beidh 4 nó 5 meithil I ngach rang le cúigear nó seisear sa mheitheal.
Eagróidh an muinteoir ranga na meithil agus athróidh sé/sí iad ag Oíche Shamhna.Beidh go leor spás idir gach meitheal.
There will be 4 or 5 pods in each class with 6 or 7 in each pod. The teacher will decide on the pod formation. This pod will be together until at least Halloween, after such time the teacher may change it. There will be sufficient distance between each pod.
- Beidh an scoil roinnte I tri chuid-The school is split into 3 groups with each group having different starting and finishing times and separate break times and lunch times.
Grúpa A- Naíonáin Beaga agus Naíonáin Móra/Group A- Junior& Senior Infants
Grúpa B- Rang 1, Rang 2 agus Rang 3/Group B- Rang 1,2,& 3
Grúpa C- Rang 4,Rang 5 agus Rang 6/Group C- Rang 4,5,6
- Ní bheidh na páistí ag bualadh l’aon duine lasmuigh den rang/bolgan I rith an lae.
The children will not be mixing with any other children from outside their bubble/class during the day.
- Beidh dha sos mar is ghnáth- Ám Sos agus Am Lóin The day will include 2 breaks- breaktime & lunch time, as per usual. The yard will be divided between 2 classes and the pitch will be used by a third class.
- Beidh gallunach ar fail lasmuigh de gach seomra agus ar gach bealach isteach agus amach. Bainfidh na páistí úsáid as tuaillle pháipéir. Hand sanitiser will be available at all entry points and in all class and support rooms. Children will dry their hands with handpaper from dispensers when they use the toilets. They should not bring hand towels to school.
- Beidh ar na páistí na lámha a nigh ar a mbealach isteach, tareis an leithreas a úsáid, roimh ithe, ag filleadh ón chlós, I ndiaidh casacht má úsáideann siad na lámha. Children will be asked to wash their hands upon entry to school, after using the bathroom, before eating, upon returning from yard and after sneezing of coughing if their hands are used.
Cláramanna/ Timetables
Ámchlár do Grúpa A- Timetable for Group A Naionain/Infants Classes |
Ámchlar do Grúpa B-Timetable for Group B Rang 1,2,3 |
Ámchlar do Grúpa C Timetable for Group C Rang 4,5,6 |
9.00 – Tosnú/ School start 10.20 – Ám Sos/Break time 11.40 – Ám Lóin/Lunch time 1.30 – Críochnaithe/Infant classes finish |
8.50 – Tosnú/School start 10.35 – Ám Sos/Break time 12.15– Ám Lóin/Lunch time 2.30 –Criochnaithe/ Classes finish
8.40 – Tosnú/School start 10.50 – Ám Sos/Break time 12.50 – Ám Lóin/Lunch time 2.20 – Classes finish
Beidh Rang Naionain Beaga críochnaithe ag 12.00 don chéad choicís.
Junior Infants will finish at 12.00 for the first fortnight.
Beidh Naíonain Mora cricohnaithe ag 12.00 don chéad seachtain.
Senior Infants will finish at 12.00 for the first fortnight.
Bealach Isteach agus Amach/Entrance & Exit Points
Rang |
Bealach isteach/Amach Entrance & Exit Point |
Naionain Beaga |
Ar chle/Left |
Naionain Móra |
Ar Dheis/Right |
Rang 1 |
Ar chlé/Left |
Rang 2 |
Ar dheis/Right |
Rang 3 |
Ar chlé/Left |
Rang 4 |
Ar chlé/Left |
Rang 5 |
Ar dheis/Right |
Rang 6 |
Ar chle/Left |
Maidin scoile/Arrival at school
- Tóg do phaiste go geata na scoile ag an ám ceart . All children should aim to arrive at the school not more than 10 minutes immediately preceding the start of the school day.
- Ná bí ag crochadh thart lasmuigh de gheataí na scoile. We ask for co-operation with these times as it will mean that the numbers congregating on school grounds at any one time will be minimised. Try not to wait too near the gate.
- Rachaidh gach páiste go dtí an line ceart . Each class should line up at their designated point with social distancing observed.
- Siúlfaidh an rang leis an muinteoir go dtí an rang.Má ta siad mall cuirfidh Múinteoir Seán/Múinteoir Marianne iad go dtí an rang.The class teacher will invite the children to enter the building via their designated entrance point at the appropriate time.
- Ma tá cúpla páistí agat, caithfidh tú bheith freagrach astu go dtí go dtosnaíonn siad ag an ám cuí.
If you have a number of children in different classes, who start at different times, you must be responsible for them until the relevant times.
- Níl cead ag daoine fásta teacht ar thalamh na scoile .
No adults, other than staff members, should pass the school gate.
Access to the school is through appointment only. You can leave a message in the new school post box or ring the office.
- Is féidir leat teachtaireacht a chur chuig na múinteoiri tríd Class Dojo, glaoch ar an oifig nó tríd an bosca phoist ag an gheata. Messages for teachers can be sent through class dojo , by phoning the school office or via the new post box at the gate.
- Ta cruinnithe leis na muinteoiri tabhachtach agus déanfaimíd ar ndícheall seo a eagrú trid na bliana. Meeting with teachers are as important to your child’s learning as ever before and we will make these arrangements with you on a case by case basis.
Ag Dul Abhaile/End of School Day
- Ag deireadh an lae tabharfaidh an muinteoir ranga an rang go dtí an geata scoile agus baileoidh na tuismitheoiri iad ansin, nó siúlfaidh siad amach an gheata ina aonair. Ta sé tabhachtach nach mbeidh éinne ag crochadh thart lasmuigh den scoil. Muna thagann tuismitheoir/caomhnóir chun an phaiste a bhailiu, caithfidh siad teacht ar ais go dtí an oifig. Cuir seo I gcuimhne doibh. When the school day for that class is over the following arrangements will apply – the class teacher will accompany each class of children to leave the school separately and in order, to minimise contact. They will be brought to the front of the school. Children and adults must disperse as quickly as possible. If your child travels to school independently – please remind them that they must travel away from the front of the school as quickly as possible. If a child is usually collected and the person who collects them has not arrived, they must return to school and the teacher will bring any child who has not been collected back to the oifig. Please remind your children to come back to the oifig if they are not collected by the usual person. You must remind them NOT TO GO with anyone else.
Bailiu na Páistí I rith an lae/Collection of Children during the School Day
Ma ta tuismitheoir/caomhnoir ag bailiú páiste I rith an lae caithfidh siad; If an adult has to collect a child during the course of the school day, the following arrangements will apply
- Cuir glaoch ar an oifig nó bain úsáid as an intercom. When the adult arrives at the school, they should either phone the office or use the intercom at the front of the school.
- Tógfaidh duine den foireann an paiste go dtí an geat scoile.The child will be brought from their class to the adult by a member of staff
- Beidh an páiste sínithe amach. The child will be signed out.
- Na tar isteach sa fhoirgneamh gan cead. No adult should enter the school grounds, unless invited to do so
Ag ple le chás COvid 19 / Dealing with a suspected case of Covid-19
- Ní chóir do pháiste teacht ar scoil má tá aon comharthai Covid orthu. Leanfaimid na ceimeanna seo má léirionn siad na comharthai;-
Pupils should not attend school if displaying any symptoms of Covid-19. If a pupil displays symptoms of Covid-19 while in the building, the following are the procedures will be implemented:
- Cuirfear glaoch ar na tuismitheoiri /caomhnoirí laithreach.
Parents/guardians will be contacted immediately
- Rachaidh ball den foireann go dtí an seomra in aice na h-oifige .Coinneoidh an ball foirne 2 mheadair ón phaiste.
The child will be accompanied to the designated isolation area The staff member will remain at least 2 metres away from the symptomatic
- Tabharfar masc don pháiste agus ba chóir don phaiste e a chaitheamh.
A mask will be provided for the child presenting with symptoms, if one is available. He should wear the mask if in a common area with other people or while exiting the premises
- Iarrfar ar an phaiste ciarsúir a úsáid chun a srón agus béala chlúdú má tá casacht ann agus é a chaitheamh sa bhruascar.
The child presenting with symptoms should be advised to cover their mouth and nose with the disposable tissue provided when they cough or sneeze and to put the tissue in the waste bag provided
- Is feidir an pháiste a chur abhaile le ball den chlann chomh luath agus is féidir agus é/í a thabhairt go dtí an dochtúir. Níor chóir an bus poibli a úsáid.
If the child is well enough to go home, the school will arrange for them to be transported home by a family member, as soon as possible, and advise them to inform their GP by phone of their symptoms. Public transport of any kind should not be used
- Má tá siad ró thinn le dul abhaile cuirfear glaoch ar na h-imhreacha cui agus an comhairle sin a leanúint.
If they are too unwell to go home or advice is required, the school will contact 999 or 112 and inform them that the sick child is a Covid-19 suspect.
- Beidh gá an seomra a ghlanadh láithreach.
Arrangements will be made for appropriate cleaning of the isolation area and work areas involved.
Cuirfidh an HSE eolas ar pe duine- tuismitheoir/ball foirne & r lar an eolas trid ‘contact tracing’ . Leanfar comhairle an HSE. The HSE will contact all relevant persons where a diagnosis of COVID-19 is made. The instructions of the HSE should be followed.
Ná chur páiste ar scoil má;
Children who should not attend school
- Paiste le Cvid 19
Children who have been diagnosed with Covid-19
- Páistí I dteagmhail l’einne leis an tinneas.
Children who have been in close contact with a person who has been diagnosed with Covid-19
- Paistí ag fanacht ar toradh scrúdú
Children who have a suspected case of Covid-19 and the outcome of the test is pending
- Paistí I dteagmhail le duine ag fanacht ar scrúdu.
Children who have been in contact with a person who has a suspected case of Covid-19 and the outcome of the test is pending
- Páistí le droch shláinte le comhairle ón dochtuir fanacht sa bhaile.
Children with underlying health conditions who have been directed by a medical professional not to attend school
- Paistí ag teacht abhaile ó saoire thar lear , ar feadh 14 la.
Children who have returned home after travelling abroad and must self-isolate for a period of 14 days.
- Páistí nach mothaion go maith.
Children who are generally unwell
Ag tacú le páisti atá sa bhaile/ Supporting the Learning of Children who cannot attend school
Muna bhfuil páiste in ann freastal ar scoil ar feadh tamaill déanafaidh an scoil iarracht gníomhachtaí, ceachtanna a thabhairt don pháiste le déanamh sa bhaile.
If a child is not able to attend school for an extended period of time, the class teacher (and/or the learning support teacher, where relevant) will provide suggested activities to support the child’s learning at home will be shared with parents.
Má ta Covid sa rang/Impact of a Suspected or Confirmed Case of Covid-19 in a Class
Má ta fhios ag an scoil go bhfuil Covid 19 sa rang ;
If the school is notified that a person in your child’s class has a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19;
- Cuirfear eolas chuig na tuismitheoirí , le comhairel ón HSE.
The parents of all children in the class will be notified upon advice from the Public Health officials
- Leanfar comhairle ón HSE.
Public health advice will be sought and followed
Fearais Pearsanta/ Personal Equipment
- Táimíd ag iarraidh ar gach duine a fearis ranga fein a thabhairt ar scoil- pinn luaidhe, cás phinn luaidhe, crin & rl agus gan iad a roinnt. Caithfidh siad iad a fhágail sa rang.
We request that children will have their own pens, pencils, colours, rubbers, etc., to school in their own pencil case to avoid the sharing of equipment. These will remain at school and not be shared. Please have another set at home.
Ni bheidh aon cás ag teastail ó na Naíonain.
Infant classes should not bring a pencil case to school.
Obair Bhaile/Home work;-
Baileofar cóipleabhair gach Aoine. Ceartófar iad ar an Luan agus gheobhaidh na páistí iad arais ar an Luan nó Máirt. Ceartófar go leor oibre ar an mbord nó ó bhéal. Más feidir cuirfear leabhr nó dhó abhaile fasta.
In line with advice, Homework copybooks will be only collected on Fridays , corrected on Monday and returned on Monday or Tuesday. Senior Classes will have a lot of homework corrected orally or on the board.
Teachers may send home one or two books to work with at home ag Maths & Spellings workbooks, readers, library books. We will adhere to the 72 hr advice while maintaining common sense.
Lón Scoile/ School Lunches;-
Tugann Glanmore loin dúinn gach lá. Is lon slaintiuil é agus moltar do gach chlann glacadh leis le linn an treimhse seo. Níl cead bruascar ar scoil mar seacláid, milseáin & rl.
As we have school lunches provided by Glanmore. The lunch that is provided by Glanmore is a healthy balanced mix each day and we discourage children from bringing in extra food, to minimise risk. We have a healthy lunch policy and therefore bringing in chocolate, biscuits and treats is not allowed. If a child has to bring in a lunch box- special requirements- the lunch box must be thoroughly cleaned.
Níl cead bia a chur go dtí an scoil I rith an lae.
Food cannot be brought to the school during the day.
Cuirfear bia breise sa bhruascar agus beidh beim ar athchursail.
Lunches that are not finished, waste will be binned in school, with an emphasis on recycling.
Mála Scoile agus Cótai/ School bags and coats-
Tá cead ag na páistí mala scoile a thógail ar scoil ar an Luan chun obair bhaile agus leitheoireacht don seachtain a bhailiu agus ar an Aoine chun e a thabhairt arais.
The children may bring a school bag to school on Monday, to collect Homework and readers for the week and on Friday to bring it back.
Ná thóg mala scoile isteach ar an Mhairt, Ceadaoin, Deardaoin.
Do not bring in a school bag on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Croch an cóta ar an chathaoir. Coats must be hung on the back of each chair.
Culaith Scoile/School Uniform
Taimíd ag iarraidh ar daoine an culaith scoile athrú chomh minis agus is féidir- Luan-Geansai, Briste, Mairt culaith spoirt & rl. Tuigimid go bhfuil deacrachtai le seo do roinnt daoine.
We are asking parents to change and wash the uniform as much as is practically possible, perhaps alternating between the uniform and tracksuit. We understand this may pose difficulties but again use common sense.
Páiste le duine atá tinn sa bhaile/ Families with members who may have health issues.
Lean comhairle do dhochtúir agus na húdaráis.
Follow the advice of your GP and the HSE authorities.
Ag roinnt fearais/Shared Equipment
Bíonn orainn fearais a roinnt in amanna mar ríomhairí, cluichí I ghníomhachtai Aistear & rl. Glantar na fearais seo chomh minic agus is féidir.
By necessity, some classroom equipment needs to be shared including tablets, laptops and the equipment used for structured activities and play in Infant classrooms. Cleaning of such shared equipment with wipes or other cleaning products will take place at regular intervals to minimise the risk of the spread of infection.
Glanadh na Scoile/Cleaning ;
Méadófar na hámanna glanadh sa scoil gach lá. Beidh glantóir sa scoil I rith an lae ag glanadh na seomrai agus duine eile sa trathnóna.
School cleaning hours have been doubled from 4hrs a day to 8hrs a day. There will be a cleaner present in the school from 8.30am every day – door handles, stair rails etc will be cleaned throughout the day and classrooms etc in the afternoon. The school was cleaned regularly from March 12th.
Tacaíocht Foghlama/ Learning Support
Mar chuid den Thacaíocht Foghlama beidh meascán de Múinteoireracht Foirne agus múinteoireacht ghrúpa. Beidh na múinteoiri TF ag obair lastigh de na bholgain.
In keeping with our Special Education policy, learning support will be provided by a blended approach of in-class support and withdrawal. The provision of support will be organised to ensure our support teachers will work within the confines of a bubble.
- Coinneoidh an Múinteoir TF fad ón mhuinteoir ranga.
Where a support teacher is working alongside a class teacher in a classroom, both teachers must be mindful of maintaining social distance from one another.
- Má tá páistí ag fail muinteoireacht breise lasmuigh den rang leis an Muinteoir TF , coinneofar fad 1 mheadr óna cheile.
Where children receive support in any room, social distancing of 1 metre will be maintained between each child in the group.
Glanfar na boird agus cathaoireacha idir gach ghrúpa.
- The tables and chairs in SET rooms will be wiped clean in between different groups attending.
Ní gá don fhoireann PPE a chaiteamh, ach amhain nuair nach bhfuil siad in ann 2 mheadair a choinneáil o na daltaí ag tabhairt cuidiu do pháiste tareis timpiste, ag sui in aice le páiste ag leamh & rl.
Beidh gach duine ciallmhar.
While it is not envisaged that PPE will be worn by staff in general, staff who are attending to particular care needs or who are administering first aid will wear appropriate PPE including gloves and face masks. Masks or visors must be worn when a staff member cannot keep a 2 metre distance from the students indoors .
Múinteoiri as láthair/Teacher Absence and Substitution
Má tá múinteoir as láthair, seasfaidh an múinteoir tacaíochta isteach ar feadh lá nó dhó agus déanfaimíd ár seacht ndícheall ionadaí a fháil. Leanfaidh na múinteoiri na treoracha céanna ó thaobh comharthai tinnis & rl.
In the event that teacher is unable to attend school, the support teacher will stand in for a day or two and every effort will be made to secure a substitute teacher for the class. If a substitute teacher is not available, it is not appropriate for the class to be divided into groups and accommodated in other classes. In such circumstances, it may not be possible for the class to attend on that day. If that is the case, as much notice as possible will be given to parents.
Corpoideachas & Sport/ PE
Beidh Corpoideachas ar siul amuigh faoin aer chomh fada agus is féidir agus bainfimid an meid úsáid as an páirc agus is féidir. Beidh na ranganna sa pháirc ina aonair.
Glanfar an hall tríd an lae- binsí & rl.
Beidh an Coach ón chlub ag obair linn aris I mbliana , ag leanúint na rialacha.
Where possible, PE will take place outdoors and use of equipment should be confined to the sets that have been distributed to class groupings. If the PE hall is being used by class groupings, common touch points should be cleaned at intervals throughout the school day.
We will use the pitch as much as practically possible.
We will again be working with the club coach Johnny McGlynn and we would once again like to thank Naomh Fionnbarra GAA for their ongoing support.
Cursaí Breise/ Extra-curricular Activities
Táimíd an bhróduil as na gníomhachtai ar fad a bhíonn ar siúl ansseo agus déanfaimid ár ndícheall gníomhachtai breise a chur ar siúl ach caithfidh gach rang bheith ina aonair tríd an lae.
We are very proud of all the activities we have built up over the years and the possibility of facilitating extra-curricular activities will be explored. However, it would not be recommended that children from different bubbles would participate in extra-curricular activities at the same time. Further updates will be provided in September.
Naionain Beaga/Junior Infants- Sorcha Óg agus Méabh M.
Naíonain Móra/Senior Infants- Amanda Muinteoir Tacaíochta/Support Teacher- Paula
Rang 1- Meabh D. Múinteoir Tacaíochta/Support Teacher- Sinéad
Rang 2- Seán Óg Múinteoir Tacaíochta-/Support Teacher Sorcha TC
Rang 3- Nóilin/Sorcha BAC Múinteoir Tacaíochta/Support Teacher- Marianne
Rang 4- Aodán Múinteoir Tacaíochta/Support Teacher- Seán Mór
Rang 5- Séamus Múinteoir Tacaíochta/Support Teacher- Aodh
Rang 6- Pádraig Múinteoir Tacaíochta/Support Teacher- Afric
Beidh na Muinteoirí Tacaíochta ag athrú ó thearma go tearma/ Support teachers may change from term to term.
Tá 5 SNA’s ag obair le páistí áirithe tríd an scoil- beidh siad ag obair lastigh de na bholgáin céanna.
There are 5 Special Needs assisstants that work with particular children in the school. They will work within class bubbles.
B’fhéidir go mbeidh orainn rudai a tharú o am go h-ám, ag brath ar coinníolacha agus treoracha ón Roinn Oideachais, an HSE agus an Foras Patrúnachta.
Coinneoimid sibh ar an eolas I gconaí.
We may have to tweak or change things as we go along, in line with on going direction and advice from the HSE, Department of Education and our patron body, Foras Patrunachta.
We will pass on all relevant information at all times to parents.
Scríobh na páistí leabahr dúlra le linn an lockdown agus beimíd ag lainseáil an leabhr ar an 1u Mean Fomahir agus ag scaipeadh é trid an phobal.
The children wrote a bi –lingual Nature Book, ‘Nil Aon Plainéad B’ during lock down. It will be launched on 1st September and distributed in the community.
Ag suil le blain deas suaimhneach- looking forward to the school year .
Cabrach Abú!
Tuilleadh eolais/Further info;
Múinteoir Seán nó an oifig scoile/school office.
Gaelscoil Bharra
Ascal an Fhasaigh, Cabrach,
Baile Atha Cliath 7
T: 01 8684827